
Professional Grade Dehumidifiers When You Need Them Most

Charles A Pastrana & Sons, Inc. understands, in order to keep your basement healthy, not musty smelling and mold free it is can be necessary to install and run dehumidifier around the clock. Most will come with a humidity control to only keep it below a certain humidity and save energy.

The air in a basement is very susceptible to moisture due to being underground and condensation on concrete/block walls, we recommend that every basement have one of these installed for good air quality. We can run the hose leading from the dehumidifier to a sump pump as well so you do not have to dump the heavy bucket of water every few hours, and when you’re on vacation. 

Ready to get started? Give Charles A Pastrana & Sons, Inc. a call today! We always start with a free estimate, and our quotes are reasonable and honest. We can’t wait to meet you and see how we can help!

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